* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/** @externs */
* @typedef {{
* basic: boolean,
* encrypted: !Object.<string, boolean>
* }}
* @property {boolean} basic
* True if offline is usable at all.
* @property {!Object.<string, boolean>} encrypted
* A map of key system name to whether it supports offline playback.
* @exportDoc
* @typedef {{
* trackSelectionCallback:
* function(!Array.<shakaExtern.Track>):!Array.<shakaExtern.Track>,
* progressCallback: function(shakaExtern.StoredContent,number),
* usePersistentLicense: boolean
* }}
* @property {function(!Array.<shakaExtern.Track>):!Array.<shakaExtern.Track>}
* trackSelectionCallback
* Called inside store() to determine which tracks to save from a manifest.
* It is passed an array of Tracks from the manifest and it should return
* an array of the tracks to store. This is called for each Period in the
* manifest (in order).
* @property {function(shakaExtern.StoredContent,number)} progressCallback
* Called inside store() to give progress info back to the app. It is given
* the current manifest being stored and the progress of it being stored.
* @property {boolean} usePersistentLicense
* If true, store protected content with a persistent license so that no
* network is required to view.
* If false, store protected content without a persistent license. A network
* will be required to retrieve a temporary license to view.
* Defaults to true.
* @exportDoc
* @typedef {{
* offlineUri: string,
* originalManifestUri: string,
* duration: number,
* size: number,
* expiration: number,
* tracks: !Array.<shakaExtern.Track>,
* appMetadata: Object
* }}
* @property {string} offlineUri
* An offline URI to access the content. This can be passed directly to
* Player.
* @property {string} originalManifestUri
* The original manifest URI of the content stored.
* @property {number} duration
* The duration of the content, in seconds.
* @property {number} size
* The size of the content, in bytes.
* @property {number} expiration
* The time that the encrypted license expires, in milliseconds. If the media
* is clear or the license never expires, this will equal Infinity.
* @property {!Array.<shakaExtern.Track>} tracks
* The tracks that are stored. This only lists those found in the first
* Period.
* @property {Object} appMetadata
* The metadata passed to store().
* @exportDoc
* @typedef {{
* key: number,
* originalManifestUri: string,
* duration: number,
* size: number,
* expiration: number,
* periods: !Array.<shakaExtern.PeriodDB>,
* sessionIds: !Array.<string>,
* drmInfo: ?shakaExtern.DrmInfo,
* appMetadata: Object
* }}
* @property {number} key
* The key that uniquely identifies the manifest.
* @property {string} originalManifestUri
* The URI that the manifest was originally loaded from.
* @property {number} duration
* The total duration of the media, in seconds.
* @property {number} size
* The total size of all stored segments, in bytes.
* @property {number} expiration
* The license expiration, in milliseconds; or Infinity if not applicable.
* @property {!Array.<shakaExtern.PeriodDB>} periods
* The Periods that are stored.
* @property {!Array.<string>} sessionIds
* The DRM offline session IDs for the media.
* @property {?shakaExtern.DrmInfo} drmInfo
* The DRM info used to initialize EME.
* @property {Object} appMetadata
* A metadata object passed from the application.
* @typedef {{
* startTime: number,
* streams: !Array.<shakaExtern.StreamDB>
* }}
* @property {number} startTime
* The start time of the period, in seconds.
* @property {!Array.<shakaExtern.StreamDB>} streams
* The streams that define the Period.
* @typedef {{
* id: number,
* primary: boolean,
* presentationTimeOffset: number,
* contentType: string,
* mimeType: string,
* codecs: string,
* frameRate: (number|undefined),
* kind: (string|undefined),
* language: string,
* label: ?string,
* width: ?number,
* height: ?number,
* initSegmentUri: ?string,
* encrypted: boolean,
* keyId: ?string,
* segments: !Array.<shakaExtern.SegmentDB>,
* variantIds: ?Array.<number>
* }}
* @property {number} id
* The unique id of the stream.
* @property {boolean} primary
* Whether the stream set was primary.
* @property {number} presentationTimeOffset
* The presentation time offset of the stream.
* @property {string} contentType
* The type of the stream, 'audio', 'text', or 'video'.
* @property {string} mimeType
* The MIME type of the stream.
* @property {string} codecs
* The codecs of the stream.
* @property {(number|undefined)} frameRate
* The Stream's framerate in frames per second
* @property {(string|undefined)} kind
* The kind of text stream; undefined for audio/video.
* @property {string} language
* The language of the stream; '' for video.
* @property {?string} label
* The label of the stream; '' for video.
* @property {?number} width
* The width of the stream; null for audio/text.
* @property {?number} height
* The height of the stream; null for audio/text.
* @property {?string} initSegmentUri
* The offline URI where the init segment is found; null if no init segment.
* @property {boolean} encrypted
* Whether this stream is encrypted.
* @property {?string} keyId
* The key ID this stream is encrypted with.
* @property {!Array.<shakaExtern.SegmentDB>} segments
* An array of segments that make up the stream
* @property {?Array.<number>} variantIds
* An array of ids of variants the stream is a part of.
* @typedef {{
* startTime: number,
* endTime: number,
* uri: string
* }}
* @property {number} startTime
* The start time of the segment, in seconds from the start of the Period.
* @property {number} endTime
* The end time of the segment, in seconds from the start of the Period.
* @property {string} uri
* The offline URI where the segment is found.
* @typedef {{
* key: number,
* data: ArrayBuffer,
* manifestKey: number,
* streamNumber: number,
* segmentNumber: number
* }}
* @property {number} key
* A key that uniquely describes the segment.
* @property {ArrayBuffer} data
* The data contents of the segment.
* @property {number} manifestKey
* The key of the manifest this belongs to.
* @property {number} streamNumber
* The index of the stream this belongs to.
* @property {number} segmentNumber
* The index of the segment within the stream.