* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Construct a Player.
* @param {!HTMLMediaElement} video Any existing TextTracks attached to this
* element that were not created by Shaka will be disabled. A new TextTrack
* may be created to display captions or subtitles.
* @param {function(shaka.Player)=} opt_dependencyInjector Optional callback
* which is called to inject mocks into the Player. Used for testing.
* @constructor
* @struct
* @implements {shaka.util.IDestroyable}
* @extends {shaka.util.FakeEventTarget}
* @export
shaka.Player = function(video, opt_dependencyInjector) {
/** @private {boolean} */
this.destroyed_ = false;
/** @private {HTMLMediaElement} */
this.video_ = video;
* Only holds the visibility setting until a textDisplayer_ is created.
* @private {boolean}
this.textVisibility_ = false;
/** @private {shakaExtern.TextDisplayer} */
this.textDisplayer_ = null;
/** @private {shaka.util.EventManager} */
this.eventManager_ = new shaka.util.EventManager();
/** @private {shaka.net.NetworkingEngine} */
this.networkingEngine_ = null;
/** @private {shaka.media.DrmEngine} */
this.drmEngine_ = null;
/** @private {MediaSource} */
this.mediaSource_ = null;
/** @private {shaka.media.MediaSourceEngine} */
this.mediaSourceEngine_ = null;
/** @private {Promise} */
this.mediaSourceOpen_ = null;
/** @private {shaka.media.Playhead} */
this.playhead_ = null;
/** @private {shaka.media.PlayheadObserver} */
this.playheadObserver_ = null;
/** @private {shaka.media.StreamingEngine} */
this.streamingEngine_ = null;
/** @private {shakaExtern.ManifestParser} */
this.parser_ = null;
/** @private {?shakaExtern.Manifest} */
this.manifest_ = null;
/** @private {?string} */
this.manifestUri_ = null;
/** @private {shakaExtern.AbrManager} */
this.abrManager_ = null;
* Contains an ID for use with creating streams. The manifest parser should
* start with small IDs, so this starts with a large one.
* @private {number}
this.nextExternalStreamId_ = 1e9;
/** @private {!Array.<number>} */
this.loadingTextStreamIds_ = [];
/** @private {boolean} */
this.buffering_ = false;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.switchingPeriods_ = true;
/** @private {shaka.util.CancelableChain} */
this.loadChain_ = null;
/** @private {Promise} */
this.unloadChain_ = null;
/** @private {?shakaExtern.Variant} */
this.deferredVariant_ = null;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.deferredVariantClearBuffer_ = false;
/** @private {?shakaExtern.Stream} */
this.deferredTextStream_ = null;
/** @private {!Array.<shakaExtern.TimelineRegionInfo>} */
this.pendingTimelineRegions_ = [];
* A map of Period number to a map of content type to stream id.
* @private {!Object.<number, !Object.<string, number>>}
this.activeStreamsByPeriod_ = {};
/** @private {?shakaExtern.PlayerConfiguration} */
this.config_ = this.defaultConfig_();
/** @private {{width: number, height: number}} */
this.maxHwRes_ = { width: Infinity, height: Infinity };
/** @private {shakaExtern.Stats} */
this.stats_ = this.getCleanStats_();
/** @private {number} */
this.lastTimeStatsUpdateTimestamp_ = 0;
/** @private {string} */
this.currentAudioLanguage_ = this.config_.preferredAudioLanguage;
/** @private {string} */
this.currentTextLanguage_ = this.config_.preferredTextLanguage;
/** @private {string} */
this.currentVariantRole_ = '';
/** @private {string} */
this.currentTextRole_ = '';
* Deprecated. To be removed in v2.3.
* @private {boolean}
this.infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams_ = true;
if (opt_dependencyInjector)
this.networkingEngine_ = this.createNetworkingEngine();
goog.inherits(shaka.Player, shaka.util.FakeEventTarget);
* After destruction, a Player object cannot be used again.
* @override
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.destroyed_ = true;
var cancelation = Promise.resolve();
if (this.loadChain_) {
// A load is in progress. Cancel it.
cancelation = this.loadChain_.cancel(new shaka.util.Error(
return cancelation.then(function() {
var p = Promise.all([
// We need to destroy the current fields as well as waiting for an
// existing unload to complete. It is fine to call destroyStreaming_ if
// there is an unload since it resets the fields immediately.
this.eventManager_ ? this.eventManager_.destroy() : null,
this.networkingEngine_ ? this.networkingEngine_.destroy() : null,
this.textDisplayer_ ? this.textDisplayer_.destroy() : null
this.video_ = null;
this.textVisibility_ = false;
this.textDisplayer_ = null;
this.eventManager_ = null;
this.abrManager_ = null;
this.networkingEngine_ = null;
this.config_ = null;
return p;
* @define {string} A version number taken from git at compile time.
goog.define('GIT_VERSION', 'v2.2.0-debug');
* @const {string}
* @export
shaka.Player.version = GIT_VERSION;
* @event shaka.Player.ErrorEvent
* @description Fired when a playback error occurs.
* @property {string} type
* 'error'
* @property {!shaka.util.Error} detail
* An object which contains details on the error. The error's 'category' and
* 'code' properties will identify the specific error that occurred. In an
* uncompiled build, you can also use the 'message' and 'stack' properties
* to debug.
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.EmsgEvent
* @description Fired when a non-typical emsg is found in a segment.
* @property {string} type
* 'emsg'
* @property {shakaExtern.EmsgInfo} detail
* An object which contains the content of the emsg box.
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.TimelineRegionAdded
* @description Fired when a media timeline region is added.
* @property {string} type
* 'timelineregionadded'
* @property {shakaExtern.TimelineRegionInfo} detail
* An object which contains a description of the region.
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.TimelineRegionEnter
* @description Fired when the playhead enters a timeline region.
* @property {string} type
* 'timelineregionenter'
* @property {shakaExtern.TimelineRegionInfo} detail
* An object which contains a description of the region.
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.TimelineRegionExit
* @description Fired when the playhead exits a timeline region.
* @property {string} type
* 'timelineregionexit'
* @property {shakaExtern.TimelineregionInfo} detail
* An object which contains a description of the region.
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.BufferingEvent
* @description Fired when the player's buffering state changes.
* @property {string} type
* 'buffering'
* @property {boolean} buffering
* True when the Player enters the buffering state.
* False when the Player leaves the buffering state.
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.LoadingEvent
* @description Fired when the player begins loading.
* Used by the Cast receiver to determine idle state.
* @property {string} type
* 'loading'
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.UnloadingEvent
* @description Fired when the player unloads or fails to load.
* Used by the Cast receiver to determine idle state.
* @property {string} type
* 'unloading'
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.TextTrackVisibilityEvent
* @description Fired when text track visibility changes.
* @property {string} type
* 'texttrackvisibility'
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.TracksChangedEvent
* @description Fired when the list of tracks changes. For example, this will
* happen when changing periods or when track restrictions change.
* @property {string} type
* 'trackschanged'
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.AdaptationEvent
* @description Fired when an automatic adaptation causes the active tracks
* to change. Does not fire when the application calls selectVariantTrack()
* selectTextTrack(), selectAudioLanguage() or selectTextLanguage().
* @property {string} type
* 'adaptation'
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.ExpirationUpdatedEvent
* @description Fired when there is a change in the expiration times of an
* EME session.
* @property {string} type
* 'expirationupdated'
* @exportDoc
* @event shaka.Player.LargeGapEvent
* @description Fired when the playhead enters a large gap. If
* |config.streaming.jumpLargeGaps| is set, the default action of this event
* is to jump the gap; this can be prevented by calling preventDefault() on
* the event object.
* @property {string} type
* 'largegap'
* @property {number} currentTime
* The current time of the playhead.
* @property {number} gapSize
* The size of the gap, in seconds.
* @exportDoc
/** @private {!Object.<string, function():*>} */
shaka.Player.supportPlugins_ = {};
* Registers a plugin callback that will be called with support(). The
* callback will return the value that will be stored in the return value from
* support().
* @param {string} name
* @param {function():*} callback
* @export
shaka.Player.registerSupportPlugin = function(name, callback) {
shaka.Player.supportPlugins_[name] = callback;
* Return whether the browser provides basic support. If this returns false,
* Shaka Player cannot be used at all. In this case, do not construct a Player
* instance and do not use the library.
* @return {boolean}
* @export
shaka.Player.isBrowserSupported = function() {
// Basic features needed for the library to be usable.
var basic = !!window.Promise && !!window.Uint8Array &&
return basic &&
shaka.media.MediaSourceEngine.isBrowserSupported() &&
* Probes the browser to determine what features are supported. This makes a
* number of requests to EME/MSE/etc which may result in user prompts. This
* should only be used for diagnostics.
* NOTE: This may show a request to the user for permission.
* @see https://goo.gl/ovYLvl
* @return {!Promise.<shakaExtern.SupportType>}
* @export
shaka.Player.probeSupport = function() {
'Must have basic support');
return shaka.media.DrmEngine.probeSupport().then(function(drm) {
var manifest = shaka.media.ManifestParser.probeSupport();
var media = shaka.media.MediaSourceEngine.probeSupport();
var ret = {
manifest: manifest,
media: media,
drm: drm
var plugins = shaka.Player.supportPlugins_;
for (var name in plugins) {
ret[name] = plugins[name]();
return ret;
* Load a manifest.
* @param {string} manifestUri
* @param {number=} opt_startTime Optional start time, in seconds, to begin
* playback. Defaults to 0 for VOD and to the live edge for live.
* @param {shakaExtern.ManifestParser.Factory=} opt_manifestParserFactory
* Optional manifest parser factory to override auto-detection or use an
* unregistered parser.
* @return {!Promise} Resolved when the manifest has been loaded and playback
* has begun; rejected when an error occurs or the call was interrupted by
* destroy(), unload() or another call to load().
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.load = function(manifestUri, opt_startTime,
opt_manifestParserFactory) {
var unloadPromise = this.unload();
var loadChain = new shaka.util.CancelableChain();
this.loadChain_ = loadChain;
this.dispatchEvent(new shaka.util.FakeEvent('loading'));
var startTime = Date.now();
return loadChain.then(function() {
return unloadPromise;
}).then(function() {
// Not tracked in stats because it should be insignificant.
// Logged in case it is not.
shaka.log.debug('Unload latency:', (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000);
this.stats_ = this.getCleanStats_();
this.eventManager_.listen(this.video_, 'playing',
this.eventManager_.listen(this.video_, 'pause',
this.eventManager_.listen(this.video_, 'ended',
var abrManagerFactory = this.config_.abrFactory;
this.abrManager_ = new abrManagerFactory();
this.textDisplayer_ = new this.config_.textDisplayFactory();
goog.asserts.assert(this.networkingEngine_, 'Must not be destroyed');
return shaka.media.ManifestParser.getFactory(
}.bind(this)).then(function(factory) {
this.parser_ = new factory();
goog.asserts.assert(this.networkingEngine_, 'Must not be destroyed');
var playerInterface = {
networkingEngine: this.networkingEngine_,
filterNewPeriod: this.filterNewPeriod_.bind(this),
filterAllPeriods: this.filterAllPeriods_.bind(this),
onTimelineRegionAdded: this.onTimelineRegionAdded_.bind(this),
onEvent: this.onEvent_.bind(this),
onError: this.onError_.bind(this)
if (this.parser_.start.length > 2) {
goog.asserts.assert(false, 'Old ManifestParser interface is deprecated');
'The ManifestParser interface has changed. Please upgrade your ' +
'plugin to accept the PlayerInterface structure. See the ' +
'ManifestParser documentation for details.');
// Use a string index here so the compiler doesn't complain about the
// incorrect arguments.
return this.parser_['start'](
manifestUri, this.networkingEngine_, playerInterface.filterNewPeriod,
playerInterface.onError, playerInterface.onEvent);
return this.parser_.start(manifestUri, playerInterface);
}.bind(this)).then(function(manifest) {
// When there is a variant with video and audio, filter out all
// variants which lack one or the other.
// This is to avoid problems where we choose audio-only variants because
// they have lower bandwidth, when there are variants with video available.
var hasAVVariant = manifest.periods.some(function(period) {
return period.variants.some(function(variant) {
return variant.video && variant.audio;
if (hasAVVariant) {
shaka.log.debug('Found variant with audio and video content, ' +
'so filtering all periods.');
manifest.periods.forEach(function(period) {
period.variants = period.variants.filter(function(variant) {
return variant.video && variant.audio;
if (manifest.periods.length == 0) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
this.manifest_ = manifest;
this.manifestUri_ = manifestUri;
this.drmEngine_ = this.createDrmEngine();
return this.drmEngine_.init(manifest, false /* isOffline */);
}.bind(this)).then(function() {
// Re-filter the manifest after DRM has been initialized.
this.lastTimeStatsUpdateTimestamp_ = Date.now() / 1000;
// Copy preferred languages from the config again, in case the config was
// changed between construction and playback.
this.currentAudioLanguage_ = this.config_.preferredAudioLanguage;
this.currentTextLanguage_ = this.config_.preferredTextLanguage;
var fullDuration = this.manifest_.presentationTimeline.getDuration();
var playRangeEnd = this.config_.playRangeEnd;
var playRangeStart = this.config_.playRangeStart;
if (playRangeStart > 0) {
if (this.isLive()) {
shaka.log.warning('PlayerConfiguration.playRangeStart has been ' +
'configured for live content. Ignoring the setting.');
} else {
// If the playback has been configured to end before the end of the
// presentation, update the duration unless it's live content.
if (playRangeEnd < fullDuration) {
if (this.isLive()) {
shaka.log.warning('PlayerConfiguration.playRangeEnd has been ' +
'configured for live content. Ignoring the setting.');
} else {
// Wait for MediaSource to open before continuing.
return Promise.all([
}.bind(this)).then(function() {
if (this.abrManager_['chooseStreams']) {
shaka.log.warning('AbrManager API has changed. ' +
'The SwitchCallback signature has changed to accept a variant ' +
'instead of a map. Please update your AbrManager. ' +
'The old API will be removed in v2.3.');
} else {
// MediaSource is open, so create the Playhead, MediaSourceEngine, and
// StreamingEngine.
var startTime = opt_startTime || this.config_.playRangeStart;
this.playhead_ = this.createPlayhead(startTime);
this.playheadObserver_ = this.createPlayheadObserver();
this.mediaSourceEngine_ = this.createMediaSourceEngine();
this.streamingEngine_ = this.createStreamingEngine();
// If the content is multi-codec and the browser can play more than one of
// them, choose codecs now before we initialize streaming.
return this.streamingEngine_.init();
}.bind(this)).then(function() {
if (this.config_.streaming.startAtSegmentBoundary) {
var time = this.adjustStartTime_(this.playhead_.getTime());
// Re-filter the manifest after streams have been chosen.
// Dispatch a 'trackschanged' event now that all initial filtering is done.
// Since the first streams just became active, send an adaptation event.
// Now that we've filtered out variants that aren't compatible with the
// active one, update abr manager with filtered variants for the current
// period.
var currentPeriod = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
var variants = shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterVariantsByLanguageAndRole(
currentPeriod, this.currentAudioLanguage_, this.currentVariantRole_);
var hasPrimary = currentPeriod.variants.some(function(variant) {
return variant.primary;
if (!this.currentAudioLanguage_ && !hasPrimary) {
shaka.log.warning('No preferred audio language set. We will choose an ' +
'arbitrary language initially');
this.pendingTimelineRegions_ = [];
// Wait for the 'loadeddata' event to measure load() latency.
this.eventManager_.listenOnce(this.video_, 'loadeddata', function() {
// Compute latency in seconds (Date.now() gives ms):
var latency = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000;
this.stats_.loadLatency = latency;
shaka.log.debug('Load latency:', latency);
this.loadChain_ = null;
}.bind(this)).finalize().catch(function(error) {
goog.asserts.assert(error instanceof shaka.util.Error,
'Wrong error type!');
shaka.log.debug('load() failed:', error);
// If we haven't started another load, clear the loadChain_ member.
if (this.loadChain_ == loadChain) {
this.loadChain_ = null;
this.dispatchEvent(new shaka.util.FakeEvent('unloading'));
return Promise.reject(error);
* In case of multiple usable codecs, choose one based on lowest average
* bandwidth and filter out the rest.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.chooseCodecsAndFilterManifest_ = function() {
function variantCodecs(variant) {
// Only consider the base of the codec string. For example, these should
// both be considered the same codec: avc1.42c01e, avc1.4d401f
var baseVideoCodec =
variant.video ? variant.video.codecs.split('.')[0] : '';
var baseAudioCodec =
variant.audio ? variant.audio.codecs.split('.')[0] : '';
return baseVideoCodec + '-' + baseAudioCodec;
// Organize variants into buckets by codecs.
var variantsByCodecs = {};
this.manifest_.periods.forEach(function(period) {
period.variants.forEach(function(variant) {
var codecs = variantCodecs(variant);
if (!(codecs in variantsByCodecs)) {
variantsByCodecs[codecs] = [];
// Compute the average bandwidth for each group of variants.
// Choose the lowest-bandwidth codecs.
var bestCodecs = null;
var lowestAverageBandwidth = Infinity;
shaka.util.MapUtils.forEach(variantsByCodecs, function(codecs, variants) {
var sum = 0;
var num = 0;
variants.forEach(function(variant) {
sum += variant.bandwidth || 0;
var averageBandwidth = sum / num;
shaka.log.debug('codecs', codecs, 'avg bandwidth', averageBandwidth);
if (averageBandwidth < lowestAverageBandwidth) {
bestCodecs = codecs;
lowestAverageBandwidth = averageBandwidth;
goog.asserts.assert(bestCodecs != null, 'Should have chosen codecs!');
'Bandwidth should be a number!');
// Filter out any variants that don't match, forcing AbrManager to choose from
// the most efficient variants possible.
this.manifest_.periods.forEach(function(period) {
period.variants = period.variants.filter(function(variant) {
var codecs = variantCodecs(variant);
if (codecs == bestCodecs) return true;
shaka.log.debug('Dropping Variant (better codec available)', variant);
return false;
* Creates a new instance of DrmEngine. This can be replaced by tests to
* create fake instances instead.
* @return {!shaka.media.DrmEngine}
shaka.Player.prototype.createDrmEngine = function() {
goog.asserts.assert(this.networkingEngine_, 'Must not be destroyed');
return new shaka.media.DrmEngine(
* Creates a new instance of NetworkingEngine. This can be replaced by tests
* to create fake instances instead.
* @return {!shaka.net.NetworkingEngine}
shaka.Player.prototype.createNetworkingEngine = function() {
return new shaka.net.NetworkingEngine(this.onSegmentDownloaded_.bind(this));
* Creates a new instance of Playhead. This can be replaced by tests to create
* fake instances instead.
* @param {number=} opt_startTime
* @return {!shaka.media.Playhead}
shaka.Player.prototype.createPlayhead = function(opt_startTime) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.manifest_, 'Must have manifest');
return new shaka.media.Playhead(
this.video_, this.manifest_, this.config_.streaming,
opt_startTime || null, this.onSeek_.bind(this), this.onEvent_.bind(this));
* Creates a new instance of PlayheadOvserver. This can be replaced by tests to
* create fake instances instead.
* @return {!shaka.media.PlayheadObserver}
shaka.Player.prototype.createPlayheadObserver = function() {
goog.asserts.assert(this.manifest_, 'Must have manifest');
return new shaka.media.PlayheadObserver(
this.video_, this.mediaSource_, this.manifest_, this.config_.streaming,
this.onBuffering_.bind(this), this.onEvent_.bind(this),
* Create and open MediaSource. Potentially slow.
* @return {!Promise}
shaka.Player.prototype.createMediaSource = function() {
this.mediaSource_ = new MediaSource();
var ret = new shaka.util.PublicPromise();
this.eventManager_.listen(this.mediaSource_, 'sourceopen', ret.resolve);
this.video_.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.mediaSource_);
return ret;
* Creates a new instance of MediaSourceEngine. This can be replaced by tests
* to create fake instances instead.
* @return {!shaka.media.MediaSourceEngine}
shaka.Player.prototype.createMediaSourceEngine = function() {
return new shaka.media.MediaSourceEngine(
this.video_, this.mediaSource_, this.textDisplayer_);
* Creates a new instance of StreamingEngine. This can be replaced by tests
* to create fake instances instead.
* @return {!shaka.media.StreamingEngine}
shaka.Player.prototype.createStreamingEngine = function() {
this.playhead_ && this.playheadObserver_ && this.mediaSourceEngine_ &&
'Must not be destroyed');
var playerInterface = {
playhead: this.playhead_,
mediaSourceEngine: this.mediaSourceEngine_,
netEngine: this.networkingEngine_,
onChooseStreams: this.onChooseStreams_.bind(this),
onCanSwitch: this.canSwitch_.bind(this),
onError: this.onError_.bind(this),
onEvent: this.onEvent_.bind(this),
onManifestUpdate: this.onManifestUpdate_.bind(this),
onSegmentAppended: this.onSegmentAppended_.bind(this),
filterNewPeriod: this.filterNewPeriod_.bind(this),
filterAllPeriods: this.filterAllPeriods_.bind(this)
return new shaka.media.StreamingEngine(this.manifest_, playerInterface);
* Configure the Player instance.
* The config object passed in need not be complete. It will be merged with
* the existing Player configuration.
* Config keys and types will be checked. If any problems with the config
* object are found, errors will be reported through logs.
* @param {!Object} config This should follow the form of
* {@link shakaExtern.PlayerConfiguration}, but you may omit any field you do
* not wish to change.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.configure = function(config) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Config must not be null!');
// Backward compatibility for AbrManager injection. To be removed in v2.3.
if (config['abr'] && config['abr']['manager']) {
shaka.log.warning('AbrManager configuration has changed. ' +
'Please use abrFactory instead of abr.manager. ' +
'The old API will be removed in v2.3.');
var managerInstance = config['abr']['manager'];
var backwardCompatibilityFactory = function() {
return managerInstance;
delete config['abr']['manager'];
config['abrFactory'] = backwardCompatibilityFactory;
// Backward compatibility for streaming config. To be removed in v2.3.
if (config['streaming'] &&
config['streaming']['infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams'] != null) {
shaka.log.warning('Streaming configuration has changed. ' +
'Please use streaming.failureCallback instead of ' +
'streaming.infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams. ' +
'The old API will be removed in v2.3.');
this.infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams_ =
delete config['streaming']['infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams'];
this.config_, config, this.defaultConfig_(), this.configOverrides_(), '');
* Apply config changes.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.applyConfig_ = function() {
if (this.parser_) {
if (this.drmEngine_) {
if (this.streamingEngine_) {
// Need to apply the restrictions to every period.
try {
// this.filterNewPeriod_() may throw.
} catch (error) {
// May need to choose new streams.
shaka.log.debug('Choosing new streams after changing configuration');
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
if (this.abrManager_) {
// Simply enable/disable ABR with each call, since multiple calls to these
// methods have no effect.
if (this.config_.abr.enabled && !this.switchingPeriods_) {
} else {
* Backward compatibility for AbrManager configuration. To be removed in v2.3.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.configureAbrManager_ = function() {
if (this.abrManager_.configure) {
} else {
shaka.log.warning('AbrManager API has changed. ' +
'AbrManager.setDefaultEstimate() and ' +
'AbrManager.setRestrictions() are deprecated. ' +
'AbrManager.configure() is used instead. ' +
'Please upgrade to the new API. ' +
'The old API will be removed in v2.3.');
* Return a copy of the current configuration. Modifications of the returned
* value will not affect the Player's active configuration. You must call
* player.configure() to make changes.
* @return {shakaExtern.PlayerConfiguration}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getConfiguration = function() {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Config must not be null!');
var ret = this.defaultConfig_();
ret, this.config_, this.defaultConfig_(), this.configOverrides_(), '');
return ret;
* Reset configuration to default.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.resetConfiguration = function() {
// Don't call mergeConfigObjects_(), since that would not reset open-ended
// dictionaries like drm.servers.
this.config_ = this.defaultConfig_();
* @return {HTMLMediaElement} A reference to the HTML Media Element passed
* in during initialization.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getMediaElement = function() {
return this.video_;
* @return {shaka.net.NetworkingEngine} A reference to the Player's networking
* engine. Applications may use this to make requests through Shaka's
* networking plugins.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getNetworkingEngine = function() {
return this.networkingEngine_;
* @return {?string} If a manifest is loaded, returns the manifest URI given in
* the last call to load(). Otherwise, returns null.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getManifestUri = function() {
return this.manifestUri_;
* @return {boolean} True if the current stream is live. False otherwise.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.isLive = function() {
return this.manifest_ ?
this.manifest_.presentationTimeline.isLive() :
* @return {boolean} True if the current stream is in-progress VOD.
* False otherwise.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.isInProgress = function() {
return this.manifest_ ?
this.manifest_.presentationTimeline.isInProgress() :
* @return {boolean} True for audio-only content. False otherwise.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.isAudioOnly = function() {
if (!this.manifest_ || !this.manifest_.periods.length)
return false;
var variants = this.manifest_.periods[0].variants;
if (!variants.length)
return false;
// Note that if there are some audio-only variants and some audio-video
// variants, the audio-only variants are removed during filtering.
// Therefore if the first variant has no video, that's sufficient to say it
// is audio-only content.
return !variants[0].video;
* Get the seekable range for the current stream.
* @return {{start: number, end: number}}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.seekRange = function() {
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
if (this.manifest_) {
var timeline = this.manifest_.presentationTimeline;
start = timeline.getSegmentAvailabilityStart();
end = timeline.getSeekRangeEnd();
return {'start': start, 'end': end};
* Get the key system currently being used by EME. This returns the empty
* string if not using EME.
* @return {string}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.keySystem = function() {
return this.drmEngine_ ? this.drmEngine_.keySystem() : '';
* Get the DrmInfo used to initialize EME. This returns null when not using
* EME.
* @return {?shakaExtern.DrmInfo}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.drmInfo = function() {
return this.drmEngine_ ? this.drmEngine_.getDrmInfo() : null;
* The next known expiration time for any EME session. If the sessions never
* expire, or there are no EME sessions, this returns Infinity.
* @return {number}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getExpiration = function() {
return this.drmEngine_ ? this.drmEngine_.getExpiration() : Infinity;
* @return {boolean} True if the Player is in a buffering state.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.isBuffering = function() {
return this.buffering_;
* Unload the current manifest and make the Player available for re-use.
* @return {!Promise} Resolved when streaming has stopped and the previous
* content, if any, has been unloaded.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.unload = function() {
if (this.destroyed_) return Promise.resolve();
this.dispatchEvent(new shaka.util.FakeEvent('unloading'));
var p = Promise.resolve();
if (this.loadChain_) {
// A load is in progress, cancel it.
var interrupt = new shaka.util.Error(
p = this.loadChain_.cancel(interrupt);
return p.then(function() {
// If there is an existing unload operation, use that.
if (!this.unloadChain_) {
this.unloadChain_ = this.resetStreaming_().then(function() {
this.unloadChain_ = null;
return this.unloadChain_;
* Gets the current effective playback rate. If using trick play, it will
* return the current trick play rate; otherwise, it will return the video
* playback rate.
* @return {number}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getPlaybackRate = function() {
return this.playhead_ ? this.playhead_.getPlaybackRate() : 0;
* Skip through the content without playing. Simulated using repeated seeks.
* Trick play will be canceled automatically if the playhead hits the beginning
* or end of the seekable range for the content.
* @param {number} rate The playback rate to simulate. For example, a rate of
* 2.5 would result in 2.5 seconds of content being skipped every second.
* To trick-play backward, use a negative rate.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.trickPlay = function(rate) {
shaka.log.debug('Trick play rate', rate);
if (this.playhead_)
if (this.streamingEngine_)
this.streamingEngine_.setTrickPlay(rate != 1);
* Cancel trick-play.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.cancelTrickPlay = function() {
shaka.log.debug('Trick play canceled');
if (this.playhead_)
if (this.streamingEngine_)
* Return a list of variant tracks available for the current
* Period. If there are multiple Periods, then you must seek to the Period
* before being able to switch.
* @return {!Array.<shakaExtern.Track>}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getVariantTracks = function() {
if (!this.manifest_)
return [];
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var currentPeriod = shaka.util.StreamUtils.findPeriodContainingTime(
this.manifest_, this.playhead_.getTime());
var activeStreams = this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[currentPeriod] || {};
return shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantTracks(
* Return a list of text tracks available for the current
* Period. If there are multiple Periods, then you must seek to the Period
* before being able to switch.
* @return {!Array.<shakaExtern.Track>}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getTextTracks = function() {
if (!this.manifest_)
return [];
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var currentPeriod = shaka.util.StreamUtils.findPeriodContainingTime(
this.manifest_, this.playhead_.getTime());
var activeStreams = this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[currentPeriod] || {};
return shaka.util.StreamUtils
.filter(function(track) {
// Don't show any tracks that are being loaded still.
return this.loadingTextStreamIds_.indexOf(track.id) < 0;
* Select a specific text track. Note that AdaptationEvents are not
* fired for manual track selections.
* @param {shakaExtern.Track} track
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.selectTextTrack = function(track) {
if (!this.streamingEngine_)
var StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
var stream = StreamUtils.findTextStreamForTrack(period, track);
if (!stream) {
shaka.log.error('Unable to find the track with id "' + track.id +
'"; did we change Periods?');
// Add entries to the history.
this.addTextStreamToSwitchHistory_(stream, /* fromAdaptation */ false);
* Select a specific track. Note that AdaptationEvents are not fired for manual
* track selections.
* @param {shakaExtern.Track} track
* @param {boolean=} opt_clearBuffer
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.selectVariantTrack = function(track, opt_clearBuffer) {
if (!this.streamingEngine_)
if (this.config_.abr.enabled) {
shaka.log.warning('Changing tracks while abr manager is enabled will ' +
'likely result in the selected track being overriden. ' +
'Consider disabling abr before calling ' +
var StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
var variant = StreamUtils.findVariantForTrack(period, track);
if (!variant) {
shaka.log.error('Unable to locate track with id "' + track.id + '".');
// Double check that the track is allowed to be played.
// The track list should only contain playable variants,
// but if restrictions change and selectVariantTrack()
// is called before the track list is updated, we could
// get a now-restricted variant.
var variantIsPlayable = StreamUtils.isPlayable(variant);
if (!variantIsPlayable) {
shaka.log.error('Unable to switch to track with id "' + track.id +
'" because it is restricted.');
// Add entries to the history.
this.addVariantToSwitchHistory_(variant, /* fromAdaptation */ false);
this.switchVariant_(variant, opt_clearBuffer);
* Return a list of audio languages available for the current
* Period.
* @return {!Array.<string>}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getAudioLanguages = function() {
if (!this.streamingEngine_) {
return [];
var StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
var variants = StreamUtils.getPlayableVariants(period.variants);
return variants.map(function(variant) {
return variant.language;
* Return a list of text languages available for the current
* Period.
* @return {!Array.<string>}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getTextLanguages = function() {
if (!this.streamingEngine_) {
return [];
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
return period.textStreams.map(function(stream) {
return stream.language;
* Sets currentAudioLanguage to the selected language and chooses
* new variant in that language if need be.
* @param {!string} language
* @param {string=} opt_role
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.selectAudioLanguage = function(language, opt_role) {
if (!this.streamingEngine_) return;
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
this.currentAudioLanguage_ = language;
this.currentVariantRole_ = opt_role || '';
* Sets currentTextLanguage to the selected language and chooses
* new text stream in that language if need be.
* @param {!string} language
* @param {string=} opt_role
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.selectTextLanguage = function(language, opt_role) {
if (!this.streamingEngine_) return;
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
this.currentTextLanguage_ = language;
this.currentTextRole_ = opt_role || '';
* @return {boolean} True if the current text track is visible.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.isTextTrackVisible = function() {
if (this.textDisplayer_) {
return this.textDisplayer_.isTextVisible();
} else {
return this.textVisibility_;
* Set the visibility of the current text track, if any.
* @param {boolean} on
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.setTextTrackVisibility = function(on) {
if (this.textDisplayer_) {
} else {
this.textVisibility_ = on;
* Returns current playhead time as a Date.
* @return {Date}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getPlayheadTimeAsDate = function() {
if (!this.manifest_) return null;
'getPlayheadTimeAsDate should be called on a live stream!');
var time =
this.manifest_.presentationTimeline.getPresentationStartTime() * 1000 +
this.video_.currentTime * 1000;
return new Date(time);
* Returns the presentation start time as a Date.
* @return {Date}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getPresentationStartTimeAsDate = function() {
if (!this.manifest_) return null;
'getPresentationStartTimeAsDate should be called on a live stream!');
var time =
this.manifest_.presentationTimeline.getPresentationStartTime() * 1000;
return new Date(time);
* Return playback and adaptation stats.
* @return {shakaExtern.Stats}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.getStats = function() {
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var video = null;
var variant = null;
var videoElem = /** @type {!HTMLVideoElement} */ (this.video_);
var videoInfo = videoElem && videoElem.getVideoPlaybackQuality ?
videoElem.getVideoPlaybackQuality() : {};
if (this.playhead_ && this.manifest_) {
var periodIdx = shaka.util.StreamUtils.findPeriodContainingTime(
this.manifest_, this.playhead_.getTime());
var period = this.manifest_.periods[periodIdx];
var activeStreams = this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[periodIdx];
variant = shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantByStreamIds(
video = variant.video || {};
if (!video) video = {};
if (!variant) variant = {};
// Clone the internal object so our state cannot be tampered with.
var cloneObject = shaka.util.ConfigUtils.cloneObject;
return {
// Not tracked in this.stats_:
width: video.width || 0,
height: video.height || 0,
streamBandwidth: variant.bandwidth || 0,
decodedFrames: Number(videoInfo.totalVideoFrames),
droppedFrames: Number(videoInfo.droppedVideoFrames),
estimatedBandwidth: this.abrManager_ ?
this.abrManager_.getBandwidthEstimate() : NaN,
loadLatency: this.stats_.loadLatency,
playTime: this.stats_.playTime,
bufferingTime: this.stats_.bufferingTime,
// Deep-clone the objects as well as the arrays that contain them:
switchHistory: cloneObject(this.stats_.switchHistory),
stateHistory: cloneObject(this.stats_.stateHistory)
* Adds the given text track to the current Period. Load() must resolve before
* calling. The current Period or the presentation must have a duration. This
* returns a Promise that will resolve when the track can be switched to and
* will resolve with the track that was created.
* @param {string} uri
* @param {string} language
* @param {string} kind
* @param {string} mime
* @param {string=} opt_codec
* @param {string=} opt_label
* @return {!Promise.<shakaExtern.Track>}
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.addTextTrack = function(
uri, language, kind, mime, opt_codec, opt_label) {
if (!this.streamingEngine_) {
'Must call load() and wait for it to resolve before adding text ' +
return Promise.reject();
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
// Get the Period duration.
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
/** @type {number} */
var periodDuration;
for (var i = 0; i < this.manifest_.periods.length; i++) {
if (this.manifest_.periods[i] == period) {
if (i == this.manifest_.periods.length - 1) {
periodDuration = this.manifest_.presentationTimeline.getDuration() -
if (periodDuration == Infinity) {
'The current Period or the presentation must have a duration ' +
'to add external text tracks.');
return Promise.reject();
} else {
var nextPeriod = this.manifest_.periods[i + 1];
periodDuration = nextPeriod.startTime - period.startTime;
/** @type {shakaExtern.Stream} */
var stream = {
id: this.nextExternalStreamId_++,
createSegmentIndex: Promise.resolve.bind(Promise),
findSegmentPosition: function(time) { return 1; },
getSegmentReference: function(ref) {
if (ref != 1) return null;
return new shaka.media.SegmentReference(
1, 0, periodDuration, function() { return [uri]; }, 0, null);
initSegmentReference: null,
presentationTimeOffset: 0,
mimeType: mime,
codecs: opt_codec || '',
kind: kind,
encrypted: false,
keyId: null,
language: language,
label: opt_label || null,
type: ContentType.TEXT,
primary: false,
trickModeVideo: null,
containsEmsgBoxes: false,
roles: [],
channelsCount: null
// Add the stream to the loading list to ensure it isn't switched to while it
// is initializing.
return this.streamingEngine_.notifyNewTextStream(stream).then(function() {
if (this.destroyed_) return;
// If this was the first text stream, StreamingEngine will start streaming
// it in notifyNewTextStream. So update the active stream.
var curPeriodIdx = this.manifest_.periods.indexOf(period);
var activeStreams = this.streamingEngine_.getActiveStreams();
if (activeStreams[ContentType.TEXT]) {
this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[curPeriodIdx][ContentType.TEXT] =
// Remove the stream from the loading list.
this.loadingTextStreamIds_.indexOf(stream.id), 1);
shaka.log.debug('Choosing new streams after adding a text stream');
return {
id: stream.id,
active: false,
type: ContentType.TEXT,
bandwidth: 0,
language: language,
label: opt_label || null,
kind: kind,
width: null,
height: null
* Set the maximum resolution that the platform's hardware can handle.
* This will be called automatically by shaka.cast.CastReceiver to enforce
* limitations of the Chromecast hardware.
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.setMaxHardwareResolution = function(width, height) {
this.maxHwRes_.width = width;
this.maxHwRes_.height = height;
* Retry streaming after a failure. Does nothing if not in a failure state.
* @return {boolean} False if unable to retry.
* @export
shaka.Player.prototype.retryStreaming = function() {
return this.streamingEngine_ ? this.streamingEngine_.retry() : false;
* Initialize the Player.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.initialize_ = function() {
// Start the (potentially slow) process of opening MediaSource now.
this.mediaSourceOpen_ = this.createMediaSource();
// Listen for video errors.
this.eventManager_.listen(this.video_, 'error',
* @param {shakaExtern.Variant} variant
* @param {boolean} fromAdaptation
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.addVariantToSwitchHistory_ =
function(variant, fromAdaptation) {
if (variant.video)
if (variant.audio)
// TODO: Get StreamingEngine to track variants and create getActiveVariant()
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var activePeriod = this.streamingEngine_.getActivePeriod();
var activeStreams = this.streamingEngine_.getActiveStreams();
var activeVariant = shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantByStreams(
activeStreams[ContentType.AUDIO], activeStreams[ContentType.VIDEO],
activePeriod ? activePeriod.variants : []);
// Only log the switch if the variant changes. For the initial decision,
// activeVariant is null and variant != activeVariant in this case, too.
// This allows us to avoid onAdaptation_() when nothing has changed.
if (variant != activeVariant) {
timestamp: Date.now() / 1000,
id: variant.id,
type: 'variant',
fromAdaptation: fromAdaptation,
bandwidth: variant.bandwidth
* @param {shakaExtern.Stream} textStream
* @param {boolean} fromAdaptation
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.addTextStreamToSwitchHistory_ =
function(textStream, fromAdaptation) {
timestamp: Date.now() / 1000,
id: textStream.id,
type: 'text',
fromAdaptation: fromAdaptation,
bandwidth: null
* @param {!shakaExtern.Stream} stream
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.updateActiveStreams_ = function(stream) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.manifest_, 'Must not be destroyed');
var periodIndex =
shaka.util.StreamUtils.findPeriodContainingStream(this.manifest_, stream);
if (!this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[periodIndex])
this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[periodIndex] = {};
this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[periodIndex][stream.type] = stream.id;
* Destroy members responsible for streaming.
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.destroyStreaming_ = function() {
if (this.eventManager_) {
this.eventManager_.unlisten(this.mediaSource_, 'sourceopen');
this.eventManager_.unlisten(this.video_, 'loadeddata');
this.eventManager_.unlisten(this.video_, 'playing');
this.eventManager_.unlisten(this.video_, 'pause');
this.eventManager_.unlisten(this.video_, 'ended');
if (this.video_) {
var p = Promise.all([
this.abrManager_ ? this.abrManager_.stop() : null,
this.drmEngine_ ? this.drmEngine_.destroy() : null,
this.mediaSourceEngine_ ? this.mediaSourceEngine_.destroy() : null,
this.playhead_ ? this.playhead_.destroy() : null,
this.playheadObserver_ ? this.playheadObserver_.destroy() : null,
this.streamingEngine_ ? this.streamingEngine_.destroy() : null,
this.parser_ ? this.parser_.stop() : null
this.drmEngine_ = null;
this.mediaSourceEngine_ = null;
this.playhead_ = null;
this.playheadObserver_ = null;
this.streamingEngine_ = null;
this.parser_ = null;
this.manifest_ = null;
this.manifestUri_ = null;
this.mediaSourceOpen_ = null;
this.mediaSource_ = null;
this.pendingTimelineRegions_ = [];
this.activeStreamsByPeriod_ = {};
this.stats_ = this.getCleanStats_();
return p;
* Reset the streaming system.
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.resetStreaming_ = function() {
if (!this.parser_) {
// Nothing is playing, so this is effectively a no-op.
return Promise.resolve();
// Destroy the streaming system before we recreate everything.
return this.destroyStreaming_().then(function() {
if (this.destroyed_) return;
// Force an exit from the buffering state.
// Start the (potentially slow) process of opening MediaSource now.
this.mediaSourceOpen_ = this.createMediaSource();
* @return {!Object}
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.configOverrides_ = function() {
return {
'.drm.servers': '',
'.drm.clearKeys': '',
'.drm.advanced': {
distinctiveIdentifierRequired: false,
persistentStateRequired: false,
videoRobustness: '',
audioRobustness: '',
serverCertificate: new Uint8Array(0)
* @return {shakaExtern.PlayerConfiguration}
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.defaultConfig_ = function() {
return {
drm: {
retryParameters: shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.defaultRetryParameters(),
// These will all be verified by special cases in mergeConfigObjects_():
servers: {}, // key is arbitrary key system ID, value must be string
clearKeys: {}, // key is arbitrary key system ID, value must be string
advanced: {}, // key is arbitrary key system ID, value is a record type
delayLicenseRequestUntilPlayed: false
manifest: {
retryParameters: shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.defaultRetryParameters(),
dash: {
customScheme: function(node) {
// Reference node to keep closure from removing it.
// If the argument is removed, it breaks our function length check
// in mergeConfigObjects_().
// TODO: Find a better solution if possible.
// NOTE: Chrome App Content Security Policy prohibits usage of new
// Function()
if (node) return null;
clockSyncUri: '',
ignoreDrmInfo: false,
xlinkFailGracefully: false
hls: {
defaultTimeOffset: 0
streaming: {
retryParameters: shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.defaultRetryParameters(),
rebufferingGoal: 2,
bufferingGoal: 10,
bufferBehind: 30,
ignoreTextStreamFailures: false,
startAtSegmentBoundary: false,
smallGapLimit: 0.5,
jumpLargeGaps: false
abrFactory: shaka.abr.SimpleAbrManager,
textDisplayFactory: function(videoElement) {
return new shaka.text.SimpleTextDisplayer(videoElement);
}.bind(null, this.video_),
abr: {
enabled: true,
// This is a relatively safe default, since 3G cell connections
// are faster than this. For slower connections, such as 2G,
// the default estimate may be too high.
defaultBandwidthEstimate: 500e3, // 500kbps
switchInterval: 8,
bandwidthUpgradeTarget: 0.85,
bandwidthDowngradeTarget: 0.95,
restrictions: {
minWidth: 0,
maxWidth: Infinity,
minHeight: 0,
maxHeight: Infinity,
minPixels: 0,
maxPixels: Infinity,
minBandwidth: 0,
maxBandwidth: Infinity
preferredAudioLanguage: '',
preferredTextLanguage: '',
restrictions: {
minWidth: 0,
maxWidth: Infinity,
minHeight: 0,
maxHeight: Infinity,
minPixels: 0,
maxPixels: Infinity,
minBandwidth: 0,
maxBandwidth: Infinity
playRangeStart: 0,
playRangeEnd: Infinity
* @param {!shaka.util.Error} error
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.defaultStreamingFailureCallback_ = function(error) {
var retryErrorCodes = [
if (this.isLive() && this.infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams_ &&
retryErrorCodes.indexOf(error.code) >= 0) {
error.severity = shaka.util.Error.Severity.RECOVERABLE;
shaka.log.warning('Live streaming error. Retrying automatically...');
* @return {shakaExtern.Stats}
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.getCleanStats_ = function() {
return {
// These are not tracked in the private stats structure and are only here to
// satisfy the compiler.
width: NaN,
height: NaN,
streamBandwidth: NaN,
decodedFrames: NaN,
droppedFrames: NaN,
estimatedBandwidth: NaN,
// These are tracked in the private stats structure to avoid the need for
// many private member variables.
loadLatency: NaN,
playTime: 0,
bufferingTime: 0,
switchHistory: [],
stateHistory: []
* Filters a list of periods.
* @param {!Array.<!shakaExtern.Period>} periods
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.filterAllPeriods_ = function(periods) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.video_, 'Must not be destroyed');
var StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
var activeStreams =
this.streamingEngine_ ? this.streamingEngine_.getActiveStreams() : {};
periods.forEach(function(period) {
StreamUtils.filterNewPeriod(this.drmEngine_, activeStreams, period);
var validPeriodsCount = 0;
periods.forEach(function(period) {
if (StreamUtils.getPlayableVariants(period.variants).length > 0)
// If no periods is playable, throw CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED_BY_BROWSER.
// If only some of the periods are playable, throw UNPLAYABLE_PERIOD.
if (validPeriodsCount == 0) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
} else if (validPeriodsCount < periods.length) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
periods.forEach(function(period) {
var tracksChanged = shaka.util.StreamUtils.applyRestrictions(
period, this.config_.restrictions, this.maxHwRes_);
if (tracksChanged && this.streamingEngine_ &&
this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod() == period) {
var allVariantsRestricted =
StreamUtils.getPlayableVariants(period.variants).length < 1;
if (allVariantsRestricted) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
* Filters a new period.
* @param {shakaExtern.Period} period
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.filterNewPeriod_ = function(period) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.video_, 'Must not be destroyed');
var StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
var activeStreams =
this.streamingEngine_ ? this.streamingEngine_.getActiveStreams() : {};
StreamUtils.filterNewPeriod(this.drmEngine_, activeStreams, period);
// Check for playable variants before restrictions to give a different error
// if we have restricted all the tracks rather than there being none.
var hasPlayableVariants =
StreamUtils.getPlayableVariants(period.variants).length > 0;
var tracksChanged = shaka.util.StreamUtils.applyRestrictions(
period, this.config_.restrictions, this.maxHwRes_);
if (tracksChanged && this.streamingEngine_ &&
this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod() == period) {
// Check for playable variants again. If the first check found variants, but
// not the second, then all variants are restricted.
var allVariantsRestricted =
StreamUtils.getPlayableVariants(period.variants).length < 1;
if (!hasPlayableVariants) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
} else if (allVariantsRestricted) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
* Switches to the given variant, deferring if needed.
* @param {shakaExtern.Variant} variant
* @param {boolean=} opt_clearBuffer
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.switchVariant_ =
function(variant, opt_clearBuffer) {
if (this.switchingPeriods_) {
// Store this action for later.
this.deferredVariant_ = variant;
this.deferredVariantClearBuffer_ = opt_clearBuffer || false;
} else {
// Act now.
this.streamingEngine_.switchVariant(variant, opt_clearBuffer || false);
* Switches to the given text stream, deferring if needed.
* @param {shakaExtern.Stream} textStream
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.switchTextStream_ = function(textStream) {
if (this.switchingPeriods_) {
// Store this action for later.
this.deferredTextStream_ = textStream;
} else {
// Act now.
* Verifies that the active streams according to the player match those in
* StreamingEngine.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.assertCorrectActiveStreams_ = function() {
if (!this.streamingEngine_ || !this.manifest_ || COMPILED) return;
var StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var streamingActive = this.streamingEngine_.getActiveStreams();
var mainStream =
streamingActive[ContentType.VIDEO] || streamingActive[ContentType.AUDIO];
if (!mainStream)
var streamingPeriodIndex =
StreamUtils.findPeriodContainingStream(this.manifest_, mainStream);
var currentPeriodIndex =
if (streamingPeriodIndex < 0 || streamingPeriodIndex != currentPeriodIndex)
var playerActive = this.activeStreamsByPeriod_[currentPeriodIndex] || {};
for (var type in streamingActive) {
var activeId = streamingActive[type].id;
if (type == ContentType.TEXT) {
if (this.deferredTextStream_)
activeId = this.deferredTextStream_.id;
} else if (type == ContentType.AUDIO) {
if (this.deferredVariant_)
activeId = this.deferredVariant_.audio.id;
} else if (type == ContentType.VIDEO) {
if (this.deferredVariant_)
activeId = this.deferredVariant_.video.id;
goog.asserts.assert(activeId == playerActive[type],
'Inconsistent active stream');
/** @private */
shaka.Player.prototype.updateTimeStats_ = function() {
// Only count while we're loaded.
if (!this.manifest_)
var now = Date.now() / 1000;
if (this.buffering_)
this.stats_.bufferingTime += (now - this.lastTimeStatsUpdateTimestamp_);
this.stats_.playTime += (now - this.lastTimeStatsUpdateTimestamp_);
this.lastTimeStatsUpdateTimestamp_ = now;
* @param {number} time
* @return {number}
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.adjustStartTime_ = function(time) {
var activeStreams = this.streamingEngine_.getActiveStreams();
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
// This method is called after StreamingEngine.init resolves, this means that
// all the active streams have had createSegmentIndex called.
function getAdjustedTime(stream, time) {
if (!stream) return null;
var idx = stream.findSegmentPosition(time - period.startTime);
if (idx == null) return null;
var ref = stream.getSegmentReference(idx);
if (!ref) return null;
var refTime = ref.startTime + period.startTime;
goog.asserts.assert(refTime <= time, 'Segment should start before time');
return refTime;
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var videoStartTime = getAdjustedTime(activeStreams[ContentType.VIDEO], time);
var audioStartTime = getAdjustedTime(activeStreams[ContentType.AUDIO], time);
// If we have both video and audio times, pick the larger one. If we picked
// the smaller one, that one will download an entire segment to buffer the
// difference.
if (videoStartTime != null && audioStartTime != null)
return Math.max(videoStartTime, audioStartTime);
else if (videoStartTime != null)
return videoStartTime;
else if (audioStartTime != null)
return audioStartTime;
return time;
* Callback from NetworkingEngine.
* @param {number} deltaTimeMs
* @param {number} numBytes
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onSegmentDownloaded_ = function(deltaTimeMs, numBytes) {
if (this.abrManager_) {
// Abr manager might not exist during offline storage.
this.abrManager_.segmentDownloaded(deltaTimeMs, numBytes);
* Callback from PlayheadObserver.
* @param {boolean} buffering
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onBuffering_ = function(buffering) {
// Before setting |buffering_|, update the time spent in the previous state.
this.buffering_ = buffering;
if (this.playhead_)
var event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('buffering', { 'buffering': buffering });
* Callback from PlayheadObserver.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onChangePeriod_ = function() {
* Called from potential initiators of state change, or before returning stats
* to the user.
* This method decides if state has actually changed, updates the last entry,
* and adds a new one if needed.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.updateState_ = function() {
if (this.destroyed_) return;
var newState;
if (this.buffering_) {
newState = 'buffering';
} else if (this.video_.ended) {
newState = 'ended';
} else if (this.video_.paused) {
newState = 'paused';
} else {
newState = 'playing';
var now = Date.now() / 1000;
if (this.stats_.stateHistory.length) {
var lastIndex = this.stats_.stateHistory.length - 1;
var lastEntry = this.stats_.stateHistory[lastIndex];
lastEntry.duration = now - lastEntry.timestamp;
if (newState == lastEntry.state) {
// The state has not changed, so do not add anything to the history.
timestamp: now,
state: newState,
duration: 0
* Callback from Playhead.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onSeek_ = function() {
if (this.playheadObserver_)
if (this.streamingEngine_)
* Choose a variant through ABR manager.
* On error, dispatches an error event and returns null.
* @param {!Array.<shakaExtern.Variant>} variants
* @return {?shakaExtern.Variant}
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.chooseVariant_ = function(variants) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Must not be destroyed');
if (!variants || !variants.length) {
this.onError_(new shaka.util.Error(
return null;
// Update abr manager with newly filtered variants.
// Backward compatibility for the AbrManager plugin interface.
if (this.abrManager_['chooseStreams']) {
shaka.log.warning('AbrManager API has changed. ' +
'AbrManager.chooseStreams() is deprecated. ' +
'Please implement AbrManager.chooseVariant() to upgrade. ' +
'The old API will be removed in v2.3.');
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var mediaTypesToUpdate = ['video', 'audio'];
var chosen = this.abrManager_['chooseStreams'](mediaTypesToUpdate);
var chosenVariant = shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantByStreams(
chosen[ContentType.AUDIO], chosen[ContentType.VIDEO], variants);
return chosenVariant;
return this.abrManager_.chooseVariant();
* Chooses streams from the given Period and switches to them.
* Called after a config change, a new text stream, a key status event, or an
* explicit language change.
* @param {!shakaExtern.Period} period
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.chooseStreamsAndSwitch_ = function(period) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Must not be destroyed');
var variants = shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterVariantsByLanguageAndRole(
period, this.currentAudioLanguage_, this.currentVariantRole_);
var textStreams = shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterTextStreamsByLanguageAndRole(
period, this.currentTextLanguage_, this.currentTextRole_);
// Because we're running this after a config change (manual language change),
// a new text stream, or a key status event, and because switching to an
// active stream is a no-op, it is always okay to clear the buffer here.
var chosenVariant = this.chooseVariant_(variants);
if (chosenVariant) {
this.addVariantToSwitchHistory_(chosenVariant, /* fromAdaptation */ true);
this.switchVariant_(chosenVariant, /* opt_clearBuffer */ true);
var chosenText = textStreams[0];
if (chosenText) {
this.addTextStreamToSwitchHistory_(chosenText, /* fromAdaptation */ true);
// Send an adaptation event so that the UI can show the new language/tracks.
* Callback from StreamingEngine, invoked when a period starts.
* @param {!shakaExtern.Period} period
* @return {shaka.media.StreamingEngine.ChosenStreams} An object containing the
* chosen variant and text stream.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onChooseStreams_ = function(period) {
shaka.log.debug('onChooseStreams_', period);
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Must not be destroyed');
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;
// We are switching Periods, so the AbrManager will be disabled. But if we
// want to abr.enabled, we do not want to call AbrManager.enable before
// canSwitch_ is called.
this.switchingPeriods_ = true;
shaka.log.debug('Choosing new streams after period changed');
// Create empty object first and initialize the fields through
// [] to allow field names to be expressions.
// TODO: this feedback system for language matches could be cleaned up
var languageMatches = {};
languageMatches[ContentType.AUDIO] = false;
languageMatches[ContentType.TEXT] = false;
var variants = StreamUtils.filterVariantsByLanguageAndRole(
period, this.currentAudioLanguage_, this.currentVariantRole_,
var textStreams = StreamUtils.filterTextStreamsByLanguageAndRole(
period, this.currentTextLanguage_, this.currentTextRole_,
shaka.log.v2('onChooseStreams_, variants and text streams: ',
variants, textStreams);
var chosenVariant = this.chooseVariant_(variants);
var chosenTextStream = textStreams[0] || null;
shaka.log.v2('onChooseStreams_, chosen=', chosenVariant, chosenTextStream);
// Ignore deferred variant or text streams. We are starting a new period,
// so any deferred switches must logically have been from an older period.
// Verify this in uncompiled mode.
if (!COMPILED) {
var deferredPeriodIndex;
var deferredPeriod;
// This assertion satisfies a compiler nullability check below.
goog.asserts.assert(this.manifest_, 'Manifest should exist!');
if (this.deferredVariant_) {
deferredPeriodIndex = StreamUtils.findPeriodContainingVariant(
this.manifest_, this.deferredVariant_);
deferredPeriod = this.manifest_.periods[deferredPeriodIndex];
deferredPeriod != period,
'Mistakenly ignoring deferred variant from the same period!');
if (this.deferredTextStream_) {
deferredPeriodIndex = StreamUtils.findPeriodContainingStream(
this.manifest_, this.deferredTextStream_);
deferredPeriod = this.manifest_.periods[deferredPeriodIndex];
deferredPeriod != period,
'Mistakenly ignoring deferred text stream from the same period!');
this.deferredVariant_ = null;
this.deferredTextStream_ = null;
if (chosenVariant) {
this.addVariantToSwitchHistory_(chosenVariant, /* fromAdaptation */ true);
if (chosenTextStream) {
chosenTextStream, /* fromAdaptation */ true);
// If audio and text tracks have different languages, and the text track
// matches the user's preference, then show the captions. Only do this
// when we are choosing the initial tracks during startup.
var startingUp = !this.streamingEngine_.getActivePeriod();
if (startingUp) {
if (chosenVariant && chosenVariant.audio &&
languageMatches[ContentType.TEXT] &&
chosenTextStream.language != chosenVariant.audio.language) {
// Don't fire a tracks-changed event since we aren't inside the new Period
// yet.
return { variant: chosenVariant, text: chosenTextStream };
* Callback from StreamingEngine, invoked when the period is set up.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.canSwitch_ = function() {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Must not be destroyed');
this.switchingPeriods_ = false;
if (this.config_.abr.enabled)
// If we still have deferred switches, switch now.
if (this.deferredVariant_) {
this.deferredVariant_, this.deferredVariantClearBuffer_);
this.deferredVariant_ = null;
if (this.deferredTextStream_) {
this.deferredTextStream_ = null;
* Callback from StreamingEngine.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onManifestUpdate_ = function() {
if (this.parser_ && this.parser_.update)
* Callback from StreamingEngine.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onSegmentAppended_ = function() {
if (this.playhead_)
* Callback from AbrManager.
* @param {shakaExtern.Variant} variant
* @param {boolean=} opt_clearBuffer
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.switch_ = function(variant, opt_clearBuffer) {
'AbrManager should not call switch while disabled!');
'AbrManager should not call switch while transitioning between Periods!');
this.addVariantToSwitchHistory_(variant, /* fromAdaptation */ true);
if (!this.streamingEngine_) {
// There's no way to change it.
this.streamingEngine_.switchVariant(variant, opt_clearBuffer || false);
* Callback from v2.1 or v2.0 AbrManager plugins, for backward compatibility.
* To be removed in v2.3.
* @param {!Object.<shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType,
* !shakaExtern.Stream>} streamsByType
* @param {boolean=} opt_clearBuffer
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.switchV21_ = function(streamsByType, opt_clearBuffer) {
if (!this.streamingEngine_) {
// There's no way to change it.
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
var activePeriod = this.streamingEngine_.getActivePeriod();
var variant = shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantByStreams(
streamsByType[ContentType.AUDIO], streamsByType[ContentType.VIDEO],
activePeriod ? activePeriod.variants : []);
goog.asserts.assert(variant, 'Could not find variant to switch!');
if (variant) {
this.switch_(variant, opt_clearBuffer);
* Dispatches a 'adaptation' event.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onAdaptation_ = function() {
// In the next frame, dispatch a 'adaptation' event.
// This gives StreamingEngine time to absorb the changes before the user
// tries to query them.
Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (this.destroyed_) return;
var event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('adaptation');
* Dispatches a 'trackschanged' event.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onTracksChanged_ = function() {
// In the next frame, dispatch a 'trackschanged' event.
// This gives StreamingEngine time to absorb the changes before the user
// tries to query them.
Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (this.destroyed_) return;
var event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('trackschanged');
/** @private */
shaka.Player.prototype.onTextTrackVisibility_ = function() {
var event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('texttrackvisibility');
* @param {!shaka.util.Error} error
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onError_ = function(error) {
// Errors dispatched after destroy is called are irrelevant.
if (this.destroyed_) return;
goog.asserts.assert(error instanceof shaka.util.Error, 'Wrong error type!');
var event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('error', { 'detail': error });
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
error.handled = true;
* @param {shakaExtern.TimelineRegionInfo} region
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onTimelineRegionAdded_ = function(region) {
if (this.playheadObserver_) {
} else {
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onEvent_ = function(event) {
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onVideoError_ = function(event) {
if (!this.video_.error) return;
var code = this.video_.error.code;
if (code == 1 /* MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED */) {
// Ignore this error code, which should only occur when navigating away or
// deliberately stopping playback of HTTP content.
// Extra error information from MS Edge and IE11:
var extended = this.video_.error.msExtendedCode;
if (extended) {
// Convert to unsigned:
if (extended < 0) {
extended += Math.pow(2, 32);
// Format as hex:
extended = extended.toString(16);
// Extra error information from Chrome:
var message = this.video_.error.message;
this.onError_(new shaka.util.Error(
code, extended, message));
* @param {!Object.<string, string>} keyStatusMap A map of hex key IDs to
* statuses.
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onKeyStatus_ = function(keyStatusMap) {
var ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
goog.asserts.assert(this.streamingEngine_, 'Should have been initialized.');
// 'usable', 'released', 'output-downscaled', 'status-pending' are statuses
// of the usable keys.
// 'expired' status is being handled separately in DrmEngine.
var restrictedStatuses = ['output-restricted', 'internal-error'];
var period = this.streamingEngine_.getCurrentPeriod();
var tracksChanged = false;
// If EME is using a synthetic key, the only key is '00' (a single 0 byte).
// In this case, it is only used to report global success/failure.
// See note about old platforms in: https://goo.gl/KtQMja
var isGlobalStatus = Object.keys(keyStatusMap).length == 1 &&
Object.keys(keyStatusMap)[0] == '00';
if (isGlobalStatus) {
'Got a synthetic key status event, so we don\'t know the real key ' +
'statuses. If we don\'t have all the keys, you\'ll need to set ' +
'restrictions so we don\'t select those tracks.');
period.variants.forEach(function(variant) {
var streams = [];
if (variant.audio) streams.push(variant.audio);
if (variant.video) streams.push(variant.video);
streams.forEach(function(stream) {
var originalAllowed = variant.allowedByKeySystem;
// Only update if we have a key ID for the stream. If the key isn't
// present, then we don't have that key and it should be restricted.
if (stream.keyId) {
var keyStatus = keyStatusMap[isGlobalStatus ? '00' : stream.keyId];
variant.allowedByKeySystem =
!!keyStatus && restrictedStatuses.indexOf(keyStatus) < 0;
if (originalAllowed != variant.allowedByKeySystem) {
tracksChanged = true;
// TODO: Get StreamingEngine to track variants and create getActiveVariant()
var activeStreams = this.streamingEngine_.getActiveStreams();
var activeVariant = shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantByStreams(
activeStreams[ContentType.AUDIO], activeStreams[ContentType.VIDEO],
if (activeVariant && !activeVariant.allowedByKeySystem) {
shaka.log.debug('Choosing new streams after key status changed');
if (tracksChanged)
* Callback from DrmEngine
* @param {string} keyId
* @param {number} expiration
* @private
shaka.Player.prototype.onExpirationUpdated_ = function(keyId, expiration) {
if (this.parser_ && this.parser_.onExpirationUpdated)
this.parser_.onExpirationUpdated(keyId, expiration);
var event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('expirationupdated');